This is a report about the similarities between my
abduction case that I documented in The Alien Jigsaw,
(and from my journals since the publication of The Alien
Jigsaw Researcher's Supplement in 1994), and a near
death experience case as documented in Saved By The
Light by Dannion Brinkley. I read Saved By The
Light on April 3, 1995. This comparison includes
information about crystal cities, 'visions of the future,'
and common traits of near death experiences that overlap
with abduction experiences.
SBTL refers to Saved by the Light
TAJ refers to The Alien Jigsaw
KW refers to my journals since the publication of my
Dannion Brinkley's first near death experience occurred
in 1975 when he was electrocuted by a bolt of lightning. He
revived, already in the morgue, twenty-eight minutes after
he died.
"They Repaired My Heart"
I was much more lucky with my lightning encounter because
I was warned about it eight months prior to it occurring.
The Beings saved my life by doing so.
The warning is on page 108, of The Alien Jigsaw
and the lightning incident is covered on pages 127-128. This
is followed by a heart operation by two (Type Two) Grey
Beings on page 129 (journal entry 8-7-89).
I am convinced that I would not have survived this
incident if I had not remembered to change my wooden clogs
(put together with nails) to rubber-soled shoes (put
together with glue and with a 1 1/2 inch rubber
wedged-shaped heel and rubber sole).
A Love Unlike Any Other
SBTL, page 10: "As it approached, I began to feel a deep
sense of love that encompassed all of the meanings of the
word. It was as though I were seeing a lover, mother, and
best friend, multiplied a thousand fold."
SBTL, page 11: "Looking at this Being I had the feeling
that no one could love me better, no one could have more
empathy, sympathy, encouragement, and non-judgmental
compassion for me than this Being." (DB is referring to a
Being of light. What I saw was an old man.)
KW's journal 1994: "I felt overwhelming love for him and
from him. It was all of the different kinds of human loving
feelings all felt at once. It was platonic, sexual,
nurturing, motherly, and fatherly, all in one emotion. It
was absolutely overwhelming. This Being made me feel loved
and safe. I felt as if he was the only one for thousands of
miles who loved me."
Crystal Cities
SBTL, page 31:
"Like wingless birds we swept into a city of cathedrals.
These cathedrals were made entirely of a crystalline
substance that glowed with a light that shone powerfully
from within...It had spires as high and pointed as those of
the great cathedrals of France..."
TAJ, page 114, (journal entry dated 3-1-89): "I'm on
another planet...There is an omnipresent city on the
horizon. All of the buildings are either domed-shaped or
triangular-shaped. The triangular-shaped buildings are
extremely tall and they look like gigantic crystals...The
domes are illuminated from within. They glow with a soft
white color and the sides of the domes are silver-gray...Now
I remember. A little while ago I was in the air. I saw these
gigantic crystal-shaped objects from a position above them.
I flew over them in some type of craft. They were
Receiving Your Instructions
SBTL, page 32: "I was awestruck. This place had a power
that seemed to pulsate throughout the air. I knew that I was
in a place of learning. I wasn't there to witness my life or
to see what value it had had, I was there to be instructed."
TAJ, page 43, (journal entry 1986): "This place is
incredible and very familiar to me. I somehow know the
Beings who inhabit this planet are advanced spiritually as
well as technologically. I feel as though I am HOME, and it
is such a peaceful feeling. I can see tall structures
illuminated in soft white and blue hues.
[The Beings] are speaking to us using a medium that I can
only describe as telepathy. Although I know I am being given
information, it is almost as if it is bypassing my conscious
mind and it is being put into my unconscious...I am suddenly
overwhelmed with the feeling that what the Beings have just
told me is more important than anything else in my life. I
cannot let them down..." [I now believe that I was being
given instructions for my life mission].
"Visions Of The Future"
SBTL "The Boxes Of Knowledge" beginning on page 35. Page
40 mentions several visions concerning Ronald Reagan.
TAJ page 250 (journal entry June 1985): "I saw an
assembly of people, a long table, and a lectern. A woman was
talking and she was introducing a man who she said was to
speak about an experience that he had endured. She said to
all who were listening, 'With tears in his eyes, he will
tell us his sad story.' I was sitting in the front row and
this man was sitting near me. He stood up, and when he did,
I realized it was President Reagan. He walked up to the
front of the room. He stood in front of all of these people
to testify. He was wearing a plain brown suit that indicated
to me he had lost his power and authority."
TAJ: Also refer to visions concerning Senator Al Gore and
Governor Bill Clinton. Page 247 (journal entry 8-2-92) which
was the preparation for pages 248-249 (journal entry 8-4-92)
when I was shown that they would win the election.
SBTL "Boxes of Knowledge" concerning upcoming wars. In
TAJ, I documented experiences and visions concerning an
upcoming war. The first of such experiences concerned a
nuclear war and a massing of Beings and humans to fight a
common enemy.
TAJ pages 77-79 (journal entry 10-4-88) [In an
underground structure filled with people and Beings. On one
side were civilians and on the other side were Beings who
appeared humanoid and were wearing thick gray body suits]:
"Suddenly I receive a powerful message. Even though the
civilians are not wearing body suits, I know they will soon.
They are as much a part of this as the people wearing the
body suits. Suddenly I am overwhelmed with a feeling that I
should stay down here and fight with them and help them...I
had no idea this was going on down here...I "have" to fight
with them."
TAJ pages 114-115 (journal entry 3-1-89) For a time I
thought I was being trained to fight a war on a base that
was, as incredible as it sounds, on the dark side of the
moon. With the work that Richard Hoagland and others are
doing involving these structures on the moon, this
experience is posing some interesting questions for me.
As a side comment: TAJ pages 116-119 cover information
about my dying and traveling to "the other side." There is
also another reference to a possible war in the future.
These experiences are in the context of the abduction
phenomenon and not the near death experience, but I thought
the similarities were interesting.
SBTL page 46: "The box showed me the fear in people's
hearts that resulted from these nuclear accidents. As the
images of this fear unfolded, I somehow understood that
environmentalism would emerge as the world's new religion."
KW: For the past seven years I have referred to the only
religion I care to associate myself with as, "Spiritual
Environmentalism," (a term I used back in the 80's). I have
deep convictions about the rights of other species of
animals with whom we share our planet.
SBTL page 48: "In boxes eight and nine were visions of
China's growing anger toward the Soviet Union." Page 49:
"The main battle was over a railroad, which the Chinese took
in heavy fighting. They then pushed deep into the Soviet
Union, cutting the country in half and taking over the oil
fields of Siberia. I saw snow, blood, and oil and knew that
the loss of life had been heavy."
"A Vision Of War"
From KW's journal, 2-15-95: "I'm standing on a tall
structure that reminds me of an old-fashioned oil well. The
kind that is made of wood and has a crisscross wooden beam
construction. It is larger at the bottom and it gets smaller
toward the top. I am standing on the top of this structure.
I am neither male nor female. I am wearing a long white robe
with a red cloth belt that is loosely tied around my waist.
I feel the presence of two Beings to my right and
slightly behind and above me. The Beings exist in a floating
or hovering position. I am standing on this oil platform. I
am wise and understanding of what is to be.
Off in the distance on the horizon is a flash of light
from a nuclear explosion. It briefly lights up the horizon
in a brilliant white light and then disappears. I know the
country I am looking at is Russia. I slowly turn around and
view the horizon behind me, the United States. Again, I
observe the flash of white light from a nuclear blast. I
slowly and calmly look up into the night sky. Two red
fighter jets are flying over me. Their color is a true
blue-red, and the metal the jets are constructed of has a
brushed finish. As I look at them I know that they are
responsible for the nuclear blasts I just witnessed and I
also know these fighter jets belong to the Chinese military.
I look back toward Russia and I know this is what is to be.
China...Russia...The United States...
So vivid was this vision that it felt like my real self,
my real reality. The way things will be. The future. This is
terrible of course, but it is the way it will be. No wonder
I feel a great weight on me.
I awakened from this "vision" with a sore nose and face,
a very sore upper backbone, and a migraine headache. I was
sick with a migraine headache for the next three days."
SBTL from page 47: "I felt no joy as I watched the Soviet
Union collapse. Although soviet-style communism was dying
right before my eyes, the Being of Light was saying that
this was a cautious moment instead of a glorious one. 'Watch
the Soviet Union,' he said. 'How the Russian people go, so
goes the world. What happens to Russia is the basis for
everything that will happen to the economy of the free
world.' "
KW: Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and my
realization of how little our country has been doing to
invest in both of our futures by helping them, my 'inner
voice' has been saying, "We are going to have to pay for our
inaction. It will come back to haunt us."
SBTL page 50: "But the end of America as a world power
came as visions of two horrendous earthquakes in which
buildings were swaying and toppling over like a child's
wooden blocks...I do remember seeing a large body of water
that was probably a river."
TAJ page 85, (journal entry 10-10-88): "Suddenly, the
ground begins to rumble and move, and although I have never
felt an earthquake I immediately know what this is. I'm
telling myself, 'I'm not going to die by lightning, I'm
going to die in an earthquake!' Somehow I know this is to be
my fate...I'm feeling that natural disasters are happening
all over the world. I'm waiting to die."
Back Home Again
SBTL pages 61-62: "I resisted the return. I like this
place. I had been there so little time, but already I could
see that I was free to roam in so many directions that it
was like having total access to the universe. After coming
here, going back to earth would be as confining as living on
the head of a pin."
TAJ page 43: "This place is incredible and very familiar
to me...I feel as though I am HOME, and it is such a
peaceful feeling."
TAJ page 55: "I'm walking around the ship now, and I feel
quite comfortable here. THIS is where I belong. I'm very
happy here."
TAJ page 112-113: "We are looking up at practically fifty
to a hundred crafts! They're everywhere! It's like watching
traffic on an invisible interstate in the sky. Wow-the
feeling I have is so positive-it's as if I'm finally 'home.'
This feeling is indescribable...I'm feeling as though I have
been away from my family all of my life-since the day I was
born-and now I'm back home again-where I belong. Nothing I
have ever experienced on Earth can touch this feeling I have
right now."
Coming To Earth To Fulfill Your Mission
SBTL page 62: " 'This we ask of you. You must return to
fulfill this mission,' said the Being of Light. And then I
came back."
KW's Journal 2-5-95: "Later I remembered my future. It
was at the moment I made the decision to come here. I was to
leave my time (what we would consider to be the future), and
travel back in time to where I am now. It's because of my
life mission that I am here. It's like I said in my
Researcher's Supplement, 'I know all of us have not
chosen the path of an educator like I have, but we all have
an important mission in this. I know now, that I was
supposed to write my book...We are to wake a sleeping world
to the aliens' presence.' "
Nine Common Traits of a Near Death Experience
SBTL pages 95-96: An asterisk indicates those experiences
I have had as they relate to my experiences as an abductee.
Brief examples are given.
* A Sense of Being Dead
* Feelings of Peace and Painlessness: I have experienced
this several times during medical procedures, for example,
when a Being would touch me and take away the pain.
* An out of body experience
A tunnel experience
* Seeing People of Light: The Blonde changing into a beam
of white light, and in March of 1995, seeing in my 'mind'
several Beings of light standing around my bed at night.
Being Greeted by a Particular Being of Light
* Having a Life Review: In dream states I had two life
reviews in my childhood, one during my teenage years, and
one as an adult. Although I knew that I was having a life
review and remembered having a life review upon awakening,
the details of these reviews seemed to slip away as I
regained consciousness.
* Feeling a Reluctance to Return: Several times I have
felt sadness and a reluctance to leave some of the alien
Beings I was with. At times I have been left with a yearning
sensation after some of my experiences as well.
* Having a Personality Transformation: Like Dannion
Brinkley, I have stopped taking my family and nature for
granted. I also realize that each minute I have to spend
with my husband, my pets, my family, and nature could be the
last. It could all change in the blink of an eye.
Spiritual Advancement?
SBTL page 193: "...the Being of Light gave me the
opportunity to forgive everyone who had ever crossed me...I
didn't want to forgive many of these people because I felt
that the things they had done to me were unforgivable... But
the Being of Light told me I had to forgive them. If I
didn't, he let me know, I would be stuck at the spiritual
level that I now occupied."
TAJ page 152: "It's The Blonde. He is loving and caring
now. Erik and I are receiving a telepathic message from
him...He's telling me he is trying to help me-He wants me to
release the hate I feel for this old boyfriend...I'm looking
at The Blonde and I'm thinking about [the terrible things
this old boyfriend said to me and how bad he made me feel]
and [The Blonde] is reading my thoughts. I tell The Blonde,
'I just don't know if I can release it. Not now-I need more
time.' "
KW's Journal 2-5-95: "I was with a being who was a
teacher or a guide. He was a time-travel being. Not merely
another alien, but a super-conscious being. A "Wise One."
There was something specific he was to teach me. I was in a
structure of some type that had a very high ceiling. I
looked up and I used my mind to pull the space that was
above me, down toward me. This had the effect of lifting my
body upward through what seemed to be part of the structure.
Although it was mentally exhausting, I successfully
levitated or moved myself into a higher space. This was
something I had to learn to do. It was time for me."
Saved By The Light is published by HarperCollins,
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY, 10022.
The Alien Jigsaw and The Alien Jigsaw
Researcher's Supplement are published by Puzzle
Publishing, P.O. Box 230023, Portland, OR 97281.
For a more in-depth look at the similarities between NDEs
and abductions, please refer to The Omega Project:
Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind at
Large by Kenneth Ring, Ph.D. (William & Morrow
Company, Inc.)
©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All
Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland,
Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with
permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce
and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical
purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain
intact and unedited.